Minerd Ranch German Shepherds Purchase agreement Web site : Minerdranch.com
27704 N 237 th Dr. Email : minerdranch@yahoo.com
Wittmann, AZ. 85361
Phone : 360 -791-8676
Date : _____/_____/____
This agreement is between Sharon Minerd , Minerd Ranch German Shepherd and the buyer:
Address: ____________________________________________________
City: _________________ State: __________________ Zip : _________
For the purchase of the following German Shepherd Dog:
Registration # _________________________________________
Sex : ________________ Date of Birth : _____/_____/______
Sire __________________________ Reg. # ________________________
Dam _________________________ Reg, # ________________________
The above German Shepherd is sold as a pet. For the total price of $2500.00
A deposit of $1,000.00 is due for the seller to hold the above puppy.
Cash balance of $1,500.00 is due to the seller before the pups is placed the buyer's possession.
AKC papers will be filled out when the balance is paid in full. The buyer understands when the deposit is made it is a commitment to buy the said dog and is therefore non-refundable. Buyer will forfeit deposit and the said dog will be re sold if not paid in full by the date ______/_______/_______
It is hereby agreed by both parties that the following conditions will be met:
No other warranties or conditions are expressed or implied.
This dog/puppy is being sold as PET /Companion only.
With limited registration. Not to be used for breeding.
Seller guarantees this is a purebred German Shepherd, off spring of the previous mentioned sire & dam.
This puppy has been bred by us and has been carefully raised.
The parents were mated with the aim of breeding good healthy puppies.
Should the buyer become unable to keep the dog/ the breeder will be willing to take
possession of the said dog and re home it.
Seller guarantees this dog is free from communicable diseases as appears to the eye at the time of sale.
At the expense of the BUYER, this dog should be examined by a licensed veterinarian
within 48 hours of possession to validate Health Guarantee. (If purchased on a Saturday, this
requirement is extended through the following Monday.) Puppy is guaranteed for 2 years from
time of sale to be free from hip dysplasia provided: puppy is not overfed - overweight puppies
develop hip problems, and puppy receives an appropriate amount of exercise (avoid excessive
walking until about 1 and 1/2 years of age (no long hikes), and avoid repetitive jumping or stair
climbing for the first 2 years of age. Should any health problems develop as described above,
the dog may be returned to the Seller in exchange for another dog of equal value.
No other warranties are expressed or implied unless explained by Seller below:
Buyer releases Seller, Sharon Minerd, Minerd Ranch German Shepherds and their estat from any and all liabilities, and/or damages by fault of this dog after the time of sale.
These damages include,
but are not limited to, destruction of property and/or physical damage to any person or group of people.
This contract is made out in duplicate, the Seller and the Buyer each to receive one copy.
Buyer______________________________ Date: ___________
Seller________________________________ Date : ____________
Luna gets to go to school with her owner. The teacher...
Annie playing with her puppies
Our pups are well socialized. We spend a lot of time with them.
Taking them on puppy walks. Letting them explore new things.
We also crate train them. When they use a crate, they relate it to there den. They will not soil there den. So when you take the pup to his new home and you provide him with a crate. He will have a safe place, will feel comfortable.
We also potty train the pups. Starting at about 5 weeks of age. So at 7 weeks old they are potty trained.
This will make it a lot easier on you and the pup.
We feed our pups Raw Beef and Purina focus Lamb & Rice puppy food.
Best place to purchase Chewy.com
Video of pups 6 weeks old eating raw diet.
When your pup is about 4- 5 months old , Start them on adult food.
This will slow down there growth ! To make them stronger adult.
Mix the puppy food with the adult food 50/50 the first couple weeks.
We feed Purina Pro Plan focus sensitive skin and stomach plus meat to the adult dogs.
Taste of the Wild ,Blue Bufflo, are also good choices.
It's best to keep Corn , potatoes, Chicken out of there diet.
We use to feed Costco food but they changed thereformula and
adding white potatoes.( More filler )
Raw frozen turkey necks are also good for the dogs over 6 months old.
It's like dental floss for dogs. They love them. Only feed Raw and frozen.
We do feed our dogs raw meat 50 % of there diet is raw meat. A lot of butcher shops will have a blend for dogs.
With beef organs and meat ground up. It's wonderful for all dogs. It also must be fed raw.
When you buy a pup from us we will give you some puppy food to take home. Then if you wish to change the food you can do it gradually. Since German Shepherd grow so fast they need a good diet for there muscles and joints, bones ect. to develop properly. If you let your pup get over weight it is also hard on there joints.
We guarnatee all our Puppies
But puppy only gets one chance to form the skeleton and muscles that will support him for the rest of his life.
Make sure you feed your pup a quality diet.
Also over exercising the pup will also damage there joints. Sure you can take them for walks and play with them until they are tired. Just don't take them jogging or a 5 mile hike until they slow down on there growth. It will damage there joints.
Expose your Puppy to different people and settings regularly.
Take him to the park, to the pet store, or on a walk through town.
Only after he has completed his 16 week vaccines.
Praise him for accepting petting from friendly strangers, and for behaving calmly around other dogs. The more your dog learns of the world, the more comfortable he will be in it.
Since the pups learn really fast, we suggest obedience school. That way you can bring your pup to his full potential.
Then you will have a great family companion.
The pups will have the ability to learn all sorts of training Personal Protection, Tracking, Search and Rescue,
Schutzhund, protection. ect.
Great web site: Leerburg's Dog Training DVDs and Free Dog Training ebooks.
When the pups are 7 weeks old we test them for temperment. Like each family member, every pup also has his own personality.They all test really close, but there are some that are a little stronger in some areas.
We tag the pups with different color collars and keep track of there personality.
Then we can tell you the difference in each pup .
For you to choose the right puppy.
Please be sure you have time and a fenced yard for a pup, before you purchase a puppy.
We will hold a pup with a $800.00 deposit. And will take payments until they are 8 weeks old.
They can go to there new homes at 8 weeks of age.
Since the pup has not build up there immune system by 8 weeks old. It is VERY important not to expose them to pet areas or pet stores where other dogs have soiled. The pups can pick up parvo ect. off the ground from other animals.
It would be best not to expose him to other animals/animal parks .
Until 16 weeks of age. It is best to be safe.
( your own pets are fine or people you know who have there dogs up to date on shots)
Good books on German Shepherds that I like
Cesar Milan Dog Whisper ,All of them
Monks of New Skeet (1) Raising your pup (2nd) How to be your dogs best friend.
If you ever have any question on your pup just call. Or for any reason you no longer can keep your pup/Dog.
Bring the pup/Dog back I can help you place them in a new home.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Puppy stages
Neonatal period (0 to 2 weeks)
Puppies can touch and taste at birth, but that’s about it. During this period, they are going to be most influenced by their mother (or mother surrogate) and
litert mates, and will start learning some simple social skills, coordination, and the ranking process. Mostly, they’ll just eat — newborns need to have milk from mom or a commercial milk replacer about every two hours.
Transitional period (2 to 4 weeks)
Their eyes open, they stand and walk, their sense of smell and hearing develops, they wag their tail, teeth start coming in, and they’ll even start to bark. By the end of this period, they should be able to use the bathroom on their own and see quite well on their own.
Socialization period (4 to 12 weeks)
This is the stage and time frame where it’s incredibly important to introduce your pup to other people and dogs. By five weeks, puppies are aware of their surroundings and start really enjoying playtime. Good experiences with people from weeks 5 to 7 will play a large role in how they continue to interact.
But even though they’ll start being influenced by people after about a month, ideally you want puppies to remain with their mother and litter mates for eight weeks to learn inhibited play biting and other dog socialization cues.
By week seven, you may be able to start house-training your puppy. From weeks 8 to 10, your pup will go through a normal “fear” period that can be helped with training that is positive and encouraging. But the true training “golden time” is from 9 to 12 weeks, because your pup is actively working on social skills and paying attention to both people and litter mates.
Ranking period (3 to 6 months)
Think about this period as “elementary school age.” Just like human children, dogs at this point are most influenced by their playmates — both dogs and people. During this stage, your pup will begin to understand and use ranking in terms of submission and dominance.
Teething and related chewing (and chewing issues!) happen around this time, and when the puppy is about four months old, she’ll go through another fear stage.
Adolescence (6 to 18 months)
Your pup now understands that he has a pack (which may consist of both humans and dogs) and his behavior will be most influenced by this group. You can expect your dog to challenge you more as he explores dominance and his role in the pack.
Dogs that aren’t spayed or neutered will also start exhibiting sexual behavior during this period, and a second chewing stage will likely begin somewhere between 7 to 9 months
Read more: http://www.cesarsway.com/dog-behavior/basics/The-stages-of-puppy-growth-and-development?utm_source=BlueHornet&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Jan7#ixzz3O9cU2J7n
Training for your New Puppy
You just got your new puppy a few days ago, and you’re itching to take the little guy out and show him off around the neighborhood. No big deal, right? You just need to get a leash and a collar and head out the door with him in tow.
Not so fast.
While it’s true that you can start training your puppy to walk with you and obey your commands very early on in her development, you might not want to head out into the great wide world just yet. Veterinarians recommend keeping your pup away from dog parks and avoiding walking outside until after she has had all of her core vaccinations.
You can’t get a rabies shot until your pup is at least three months old, and he won’t receive his final booster until 16 weeks — or longer, depending on when you start the process. Already you’re looking at four months or more, which is a lot of time for a growing dog to have pent-up energy and pick up bad habits.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. Here are things you can do to start training your dog for the walk while you’re still stuck inside.
Introduce the collar and leash
As early as a few weeks old, you can introduce your pup to her collar and leash. Wait until she’s doing something positive such as feeding, playing, or getting affection from you and slip on the collar and leash. The idea is both to get her used to wearing them and to have her associate them with positive feelings. If your dog fights against the leash or collar, try using treats or toys to get her more comfortable.
Go for a walk — inside
Just because you don’t want to risk taking your pup around the neighborhood doesn’t mean you can’t walk. Attach his leash and guide him around your living space so he gets used to you leading him around. If you have a backyard, you should use bathroom time as another opportunity for leash training by walking your pup out to the spot where you want him to go, instead of letting him have the run of the yard.
Help him learn to follow
Ideally, you want to be leading your dog when you’re on the walk — not the other way around. But this is a lot harder to do with a large adult dog than a tiny pup, so there’s no better time for training than now. All you have to do is put on his leash and walk a few steps. When he inevitably starts to pull, you should turn and walk in the opposite direction. You’ll stop-and-start a lot at first, but eventually she’ll get it. You can reinforce this learning by rewarding him with praise or treats when he does follow.
Practice obedience training
By the time your dog is ready to go out on walks, between months 3 and 6, it’s also a good window to start obedience training. Start with basic commands such as “sit,” “stay,” “come,” “heel,” and “down,” and make sure everyone doing the training is consistent, using the same words and gestures. Otherwise, the dog will become confused.
One of the best ways to teach these basic commands is the “Ask, Tell, and Command” method. The idea is that you first ask your dog to do something, such as “come.” Then tell them to do it using a firm voice if they don’t comply the first time. If that still doesn’t work, repeat the command again and physically pull your pup to you. Regardless of whether your dog comes on her own or you bring her over, immediately offer praise. This will help her to associate completing the action with a reward, and next time she may do it sooner.
Keep up with the training and stay consistent. Pretty soon your dog will obey you without even thinking about it!
Special Care for your German Shepherd
Fleas :
Use safe flea products on my our dog/ puppy
Diatomaceous Earth powder. Great for Fleas .... Find it at yard and garden supply store.
Very safe.Just dust your dog/puppy, there bed and house.
Cleaning Ears :
It's best to check your dogs ears once or twice a month.
If you see any black waxy build up. You need to clean his/her ears.
Take 50 % White Vinegar 50 % warm water mix in a spray bottle or just plastic cup.
Take your dog outside for this. Pour 2 tablespoons of vinegar mix down the ear canal and rub it's ear at the base. Stand back. Let the dog shake his head a few times. Then repeat with the other ear.
Then take baby wipes and wipe out any waxy build up left in the ear. Q -tips also help.
If the ear is red inside mix vinegar 25 % water 75 % it will burn his ears if it's stronger.
Might have to clean the ears more often.
Most of the times it's an allergy or high yeast content in the ears.
If you have any questions you can always call me.
Puppies Ears Not Standing :
Some bigger German Shepherd pups have a harder time getting there ears to stand.
The most important thing is to not rub your puppies ears. It will damage the Cartilage, and the ear will be damaged and unable to stand.
Give the puppy lots of bones ect. for them to chew on. This helps the muscles in the raw and ears.
If they are 5-6 months old and there ears have not stood at all and are done teething.
Buy some Dr. Scholl's® Moleskin Padding. Any grocery store will carry them. Just cut it to fit inside your pups ears. But only down to the base of the ear. Once you have made sure it fits. Put some Torbot bonding cement ( order on line ) on the back sticky part. Make sure not to use to much glue. You don't want it to get in this ear canal. Just hold it in place for a minute or two. Then play with the pup so they will forget about it. Just leave it in his ear until it falls out in about 3-4 weeks. If it comes out sooner re glue and place it back in his ear.
FYI if the pup doesn't leave it's ears alone you might what to put a cone on his neck, so it can't take them out.
If the mole skin comes out before the 3-4 weeks and the ears are standing. There is no need to put them back on.
Any questions please call me.
Dog itching / Allergies ect.
Try Coconut oil 1/4 Tea per 10 lbs 2 x a day
Coconut oil improves overall skin health, and clears up skin conditions such as eczema, flea allergies, contact dermatitis, and itchy skin.
Incredibly emollient, coconut oil helps moisturize the driest skin and makes a dog’s coat gleam with health — whether you add it to her diet, her shampoo, or both!
Applied topically to the skin, coconut oil promotes the healing of cuts, wounds, hot spots, bites, and stings.
The antibacterial and antifungal properties of coconut oil help reduce doggy odor, and its pleasantly tropical aroma imparts a delightful scent to a dog’s skin and coat.
Coconut oil prevents and treats yeast infections, including candida. Its antiviral agents also help dogs recover quickly from kennel cough.
Digestion and nutrient absorption are improved by the addition of coconut oil to a dog’s diet. It can, however, cause stool to loosen; if that happens, just add a few spoonfuls of canned pumpkin to your dog’s diet (go here for more stool-firming tips).
Coconut oil reduces — and sometimes eliminates — doggy breath. Some dog lovers even brush their pets’ teeth with the stuff! Which makes sense, as dogs love the taste of coconut oil, and that makes the chore less arduous for brusher and brushee.
Like cinnamon, coconut oil helps prevent diabetes by regulating and balancing insulin. It also promotes normal thyroid function, and helps prevent infection and heart disease.
Helping to reduce weight and increase energy, coconut oil also promotes mobility in dogs with arthritis and other joint issues.
If your dogs/pups has dry flaky skin or just itches alot and doesn't have fleas. First it might be the food your feeding the dog/pup. Keep corn and grains out of there diet. German Sherpherd have sensitive skin.
Try putting 2 tablespoons of Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) on his food every day. This will boost the PH levels and keep him from having dry itchy skin. If your dog has a hot spot you can pour some ACV over the spot every day untill healed. Normaly once will be enough. If it's an open sore you might want to mix the ACV with 50 % water so it doesn't burn when you pour it on.
You can also bath your dog and rinse, Then appy ACV with 50 % warm water pour over it's fur let dry. This also helps with fleas.
Also you can use Benadryl adult tablets or the generic one. 1 table 2x a day. For an adult dog 60 -100 lbs.
Skin Problems:
Dog itching try this :
The solution of equal parts Listerine, baby oil and water for dogs’ hot spots is the most fantastic remedy I’ve read about in a long time! The minute my dogs start “worrying” a spot, I get out my spray bottle, spray the area thoroughly, massage the solution into their skin and the problem stops immediately. No more hot spots that involve trips to the vet.
Antibiotic and other related drugs, Damages there immune system. Causes skin problems.
Go to :
Canine Yeast Infection Kit
Safely & Effectively Eliminates Internal & Dermal Yeast Infections
Naturally Clear the Most Common Canine Infection
Effective in Clearing Many Other Types of Infections - Including Ear Infections
100% Organic
GMO and Chemical Free
Guranteed Human Grade
Zero Side Effects
Up set stomach:
Dogs/Puppies will eat things they shouldn't that will upset there stomach.
Here's a couple things that will help.
Plain can Pumpkin will help with both constipation and diarrhea. Adding two tablespoon to their regular meal to help with indigestion or upset stomachs.
Also plain yogurt with live cultures also will help.
Always ask your vet if any problem last more then a couple days.
If you have any other questions your welcome to e-mail or call.
I would also like any information you would like to share on my site..